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investment opportunity:

The Ag Enterprise Business Program

Kingdom Investment International works to bring in smart crops, drought-busting techniques and marketing skills that will help make farming viable, profitable, and sustainable.

An Investment
in Sustenance

The foundation of any people is its ability to produce food. Not only does an investment in Agriculture feed the people of Burkina Faso, but it also brings sustenance in surrounding communities. Healthy crops lead to healthy livestock, healthy children, and a healthy bank account for the farmers. Watch this Agriculture video to learn more.

Farmers to
Feed a Nation

In sub-Saharan Africa, more than 40% of the population live below the poverty line, surviving on less than $1.90 a day.


Eight out of ten rural African people depend on small family plots for their livelihood. With most farmers having less than three acres of land, they struggle to grow enough food to survive.


The World Bank estimates that growth in the agricultural sector is two and a half times more effective at reducing poverty than growth in other sectors.


Through your generous support of Kingdom Investment International, farmers can make their communities healthier and more self-sustaining.


Providing Farmers with Practical Approaches

We will work to provide training in commercial enterprises and teach farmers how to add value to their surpluses by milling, drying, or turning their produce into products that sell for a higher price. By helping farmers grow more, sell more, and sell for more, we will pioneer techniques that boost harvests, sustain natural resources and help end Africa's need for aid.

Local Experts

Our staff are from the local area, can speak the local language, and have a deep understanding of the local context in which they are working. Our technical experts closely monitor the results of projects, and adapt approaches as needed. In recognition of the fact that the private sector has a huge role to play in developing prosperity in rural areas, we help smallholder farmers build links to markets. 

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