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investment opportunity:

Pastors and
Leaders Training

We are working in strategic partnership with other organizations to train and equip local indigenous pastors and leaders across Burkina Faso as they carry out the Good News of Jesus Christ to their communities and nation.

An Investment
in Leaders

​​A large majority of Christians are now located throughout the world in places like Africa, Asia, and South and Central America. And this number is increasing. As a result, there is an immediate need for biblical training to equip pastors and leaders located in these areas. Watch this Pastors and Leaders video to learn more.

“The vast majority of the 2 billion Christians worldwide are now located in Africa, Asia, and South and Central America-the Global South. This astonishing growth created an immediate need for Biblical training to equip pastors and leaders in those regions.”

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— Bruce Wilkinson, Founder of Teach Every Nation

Training and Equipping Leaders to Impact Their Nation

Located in the 10/40 window, Burkina Faso is 60 percent Muslim, with a population of over 18 million. Yet, 80 percent of the country’s pastors have not had seminary or biblical training. Many pastors continue to beg us for biblical training.

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In response to the Great Commission, Kingdom Investment International is working in strategic partnership with other organizations, such as Teach Every Nation, to train and equip local indigenous pastors and leaders across Burkina Faso as they carry the Good News of Jesus Christ to every tribe and people group in their communities and nation. 


Our Approach

Our visionary goal is to raise up transformational leaders who will then train and equip other leaders, who will teach, train and equip even more transformational leaders until we have multiplied generations of leaders who are positively transforming their communities and cultures with the greatest story ever told.

Our biblical and leadership empowerment comes in several formats:


  1. Bible on Wheels Seminary School (Seminary Biblical Curriculum; Inductive bible study classes)

  2. The Theological and Seminary School in the capitol city

  3. Pastors and Leaders’ Conferences for on-going training and learning opportunities

These programs provide pastors and leaders with theological training and the practical pastoral skills needed to carry out their God-given mandates to disciple nations.

Your support will provide biblical training resources to help pastors and leaders in Burkina Faso transform their communities with the Gospel. 

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“The #1 need for the African church is to train Christian leaders and pastors. The church is growing fast and people are eager to help lead the congregations in their villages, towns, and cities, but very few of them have any formal training in Biblical understanding.”

— Emile Nana, Burkina Faso Pastor

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