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investment opportunity:

Micro-Finance Entrepreneurs

The framework of Kingdom Investment International is founded on our vision for local sustainability: ventures sustained by local means, not by external forces.

An Investment
in Sustainability

The poor of the world have big dreams— what they lack is access and opportunity. These efficient investments equip families with the tools and training they need to build their businesses as a means to provide and support for their families. Breaking cycles of poverty and transforming their community. Watch this Micro-Finance video to learn more.

Sponsor a Business.
Change a Community.

Your gift becomes a loan to someone raising themselves and their family out of poverty. We train them to make a success of their business; they grow that business and create jobs in their community. Their children can go to school, they can receive better healthcare and better nutrition, and eventually they will pay the loan forward through Kingdom Investment to another person in their community.


And the cycle begins again, giving a new entrepreneur the same opportunity for success.


We serve some of the hardest working entrepreneurs in the world.


These women and men have ambitious and dreams like all of us and are simply looking for an opportunity to thrive. With your financial support, we provide these entrepreneurs with access to sound business training, financial capital, and tools that empower them to work their way out of poverty.



With you and your support we can empower an entrepreneur to change their life, their family, and their community.

Together, we can end extreme poverty.


Success Story:
Pierre Ilboudo

Like many Burkinabe, Pierre Ilboudo was stuck in poverty, struggling to meet the needs of his family. As a mechanic with an average monthly income of $60, Pierre could barely feed his children, much less pay their school fees.


When Pierre met with Kingdom Investment International, his worries began to fade, and his hopes began to rise. With a loan of $1,750, Pierre quickly utilized his skills as a mechanic to open a retail bicycle shop where he repairs and sells bicycles and bicycle accessories.


Thanks to Kingdom Investment International, Pierre can count on his children continuing their education even if he struggles to repay his loan with the earnings from his business. Most importantly, he can give them an example of the inspiring possibilities open to them.

More Success Stories:

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